"To understand health literacy
we need to talk to people
in their own environment"
Richard Osborn, Australia


Nina Grieg Viig
Vice-Dean Faculty of Education at Bergen University College
Malcolm Thomas
Director of School of Education and Lifelong Learning, Aberystwyth University
Professor Richard Osborne
Chair of Public Health @ School of Health and social Development Deakin University Australia
Venka Simovska
Programme Director Research for Environmental and Health Education, Universityh of Aarhus, Denmark
Dr. Leena Paakkari
Researcher Health Education, Research Center for Health promotion, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Brigitte Haider
Assistant of the President EPA European Parents Association, Australia
Johannes Theiner
Ambassador European Parents' Association, Vienna, Austria
Kristine Sørensen
Global Advisor on Health Literacy
Global Health Literacy Academy
Ian Young
Consultant health promoting schools IUHPE Scotland

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