"Attachment is
very important!"
Dr Gordon Neufeld, Canada
Moved by®...
Dr. Gordon


This Article is an extract of the first lecture in our series of lectures about Health Literacy in Schools. Each month WISHES® network focuss on a different theme from the teaching method TheCLassMoves!®, that will be presented in a lecture. The theme of this month’s lecture is Moved by Emotions.

Dr. Gordon Neufeld, author of the book Hold On To Your Kids! puts down a great monologue on the importance of a child’s attachement to his peers. Attachent, so he claims, is the basis of all trust that a child developes. “All children need caring adults, to help them feel and express their emotions.” Neufeld says.


View the original lecture
by Dr. Gordon Neufeld


Dr. Gordon Neufeld is a Vancouver based developmental psychologist with over 40 years of experience with children and youth and those responsible for them. A foremost authority on child development, Dr. Neufeld is an international speaker, a bestselling author (Hold On to Your Kids) and a leading interpreter of the developmental paradigm. Dr. Neufeld has a widespread reputation for making sense of complex problems and for opening doors for change.
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